
watercolor and ink on paper

Gibil is the God of Fire in Sumerian texts, also associated with forging, metallurgy, and tangentially, creativity. The background is written over and over with an invocation to Gibil written by Samuel David in The Order of the Rod and Ring. When envisioning Gibil, I saw a light, almost candle-like, in an endless blue night desert.

The Light Out of Time

colored pencil on cotton rag paper

I have practiced meditation and “journeying” type exercises for several years off and on. During one dreamlike experience, I was in a different being’s body - an alien, from my perception. I saw a beautiful, tall being made of light before us, gently flapping wing-like structures. While beautiful, it was overwhelming - like a milder version of the events in H.P Lovecraft’s The Shadow Out of Time.

Brown Mountain Lights

colored pencil on cotton rag paper

A smorgasbord of anomalous lights in this piece represent the Other coming from all angles - the eyeshine of seemingly “physical” beings, lights in the distance, classic UFOs, and the unusual Brown Mountain Lights - a phenomenon that appears meteor-like, UFO-like, or as bobbing forest lights.